The Crimson Path

Project Type: University Project- Demo/ Game Concept

Software Used: Unreal 5.4

Language(s) Used: Unreal Blueprint

Timeline: On-going

-Coming Soon-


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Animation State Machine

This was the first thing I implemented in the game. This concept was created during my combat design class and for some reason my brain went straight to samurai hack and slash. I wrote a brief story just to start the project and then I started working on how the movement and combat would feel. In order to do so I had to create a system where I could call on animations and play them when needed. At first, I tried the Paper ZD plugin. Rather than trying to learn a completely different system I did something that I have previously done in another project. And that was create the Animation State Machine in the video above. I made a system using an Enum that would track all of the player animation states and using bools I would set the player to each state. For example, if the isJumping? bool is true then the character’s animation is set to the jumping flipbook.


  • Coming soon…


Ash and Blood - Adventure RPG - Coming Soon