The Last Dragonrider

Project Type: University Project

Software Used: Unreal 5.1

Language(s) Used: Unreal Blueprint

Timeline: 6 weeks

The task I was given for this assignment was to create a stealth infiltration mission from scratch. The emphasis was to get close to the threat while being obscured. I tried creating this sense of being hidden with the lighting. I was itching to create something with a medieval fantasy vibe and that’s where my brain went right as I was assigned this project.

Below is a complete playthrough of the level. Below that is the sketch of the map that helped with the initial block out. Some changes were made after building to make the level more interesting.

Props such as: the weapons, barrels, torches, and lanterns were downloaded from Sketchfab I did not create them. Everything else in the level was made by me.

Level Playthrough

Level Map

The map went through a few different variations before I got to a final decision. I ultimately decided on this layout, mainly because while building out my original ideas the level just didn’t flow well. I usually like to create a map either in Illustrator or Photoshop before I start building out a level, but honestly it depends on the project I’m working on.

Unreal Blueprint

All of the blueprint logic I used during this level was pretty basic stuff, but it efficiently does what I need it to. I truly believe that you can get so much done just using conditional logic. (Ex. If player has key and is near door, open door). This is what I mean by basic, but it can be used in very creative ways to get the job done. My instructor loves talking about how smoke and mirrors is the essence of being a level designer and conditional logic works quite well for creating those.

In Game Events

I used a good bit of level sequences throughout this project. I was able to do a bunch of different things with them. I created sequences for: enemy patrol paths, an IGC, door opening animations, multiple were created for my sewer trap area, I was able to do a lot with them and this was the first time I really got to use sequences to this extent. I initially struggled with the character animations, but since then I’ve learned how to animate so no more T-poses here.


Skyrim Design Test