Character Bios/ Dialogue

Elian Graye (young)

NOT my art! Simply AI concept off of Pinterest

Elian is an inherently bright and extroverted young boy who finds joy in the simplicity of life — be it through interactions with farm animals, his mother, or the few friends he has in his small village. He has a naturally friendly demeanor towards strangers, which speaks to his sheltered upbringing and ignorance of the world's darker facets.

Excited, Content: “Can you believe this place?! I didn’t even know there were things like this in the world, what is all of this for?”

Curious: “Is it always this noisy here?! I can barely hear the voice in me head.”

Quiet: “You’re the heir to the throne, what’s the worst that they can do to you?”

Loud, Stressed: “Quick, close the door and hide! If they find us in here we’re done for.”

Lengthy Dialogue: “Life back in the village was much simpler than this. We rose with the sun, worked the fields all day, then finished when it set. Everyone knew each other…it was nice. But here, it’s like every day is a maze, people’s names and faces blur together. To be honest though, I can’t say that I don’t like it. It’s nothing like home, but the city is just so enchanting.”

Lornas Gweria

NOT my art! Simply concept off of Pinterest - Le Grand Jeu

Lornas carries the tall, elegant stature of his race, with piercing hazel eyes that contrast starkly against his pale complexion. He hides a lean frame behind dark leathers. His dark black hair, is often tied back and wrapped, giving him a roguishly handsome look that has charmed many, including the queen.

Excited, Content: “Ah, this takes me back! I haven’t been in such a lively place since that inn in Meadowridge burnt down.”

Curious: “Tell me, Elian, have you ever seen anything like this where you’re from?”

Quiet: “Tread lightly, these things can hear a twig snap from a mile away.”

Loud, stressed: “I gave you one task! Do NOT leave the camp while I am away! Was it too great a task?!

Lengthy Dialogue: “Y’know we’re actually quite similar you and I. When I was a young lad like you, some very bad people took advantage of… let’s just call it my inexperience and it led to people getting hurt. Afterwards I was all alone and left for dead. Until this interesting man found me and decided to take me into his pack. He fed me, trained me, and taught me almost everything I know. I won’t say he was a good man, but what he did for me was give me a new life when mine had just been taken from me…”

Adding More Soon!


Interactive Narrative